Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Remembering the Flood of 96

Last week, after digging through some old photos, I was actually able to spend some time scrapbooking. I know, hard to believe, but I did get quite a few pages done.

Now these two pages may not be artfully composed or designed using the latest trends in scrapbooking, but they do tell a simple story of an event that most Oregonians can remember...the flood of 96. I felt it was more important to highlight the photos and tell the story of the flood than to come up with great page designs. Plus...did I mention these photos were taken in 1996...um that's like 12 years ago...so I'm just happy to have these pages done!

One day while out collecting sand bags for her back yard, my mom and I took a drive and photographed some of the areas in Portland that were effected by the flooding.

I used a blue velum overlay to convey the feeling of water on my title.

It's hard to tell from this picture, but the top left is of the Willamette River (taken from the east bank) of the sea wall all boarded up. Top right is of stores down town all boarded up and sand bagged. The middle pictures are from the bike path on Marine drive where the Columbia River is just a few feet from the path. The bottom left is an aerial photo of the flooded Willamette Valley and the bottom right is the flooded covered wagons in Oregon City.


Bob Roush said...

It is hard to believe that it was twelve years ago! I think that there are still some remnants of the sand bags left out back.

Mickle Family said...

We had to sandbag our house in Molalla too. The city's drainage system was not able to handle the capacity of rain we received, so it backed up. I remember the sleepless nights wondering if my feet would go "squish" in the morning. The drains are fixed, we've since moved, and all is good!